Monday, October 2, 2017

We need gun control laws

I feel numb right now. Again. Not quite as numb as when I realized Trump won the election but pretty damn numb. I can't believe the shocking level of evil that is happening in the world and in our beloved country. How many more massacres are going to happen before we have some major legal reform in gun laws?

I was in living in Centennial Colorado in the 4th grade at Willow Creek Elementary School when we heard over the PA that there had been a shooting at Columbine High School and we were to go home immediately after school. No one was supposed to walk home alone. I don't remember understanding much, but I do remember feeling the confusion and shock and dread that other people could want to harm their fellow students or teachers. I remember feeling grateful for my loving teachers and knew they would take a bullet for me if it came down to it. Each year around April my high school would have some sort of bomb or shooting threat. Sometimes real and sometimes prank. Nothing ever came of those, but I didn't like the thought of what-if? My high school was huge with an open campus and some many entries. I don't think students should have this concern in the institution where they go to learn. I don't think this should be a worry every time you go to a midnight movie premiere, or a outdoor concert, a nightclub, or anywhere for that matter.

I don't think gun control laws have as much to do with 2nd amendment rights as some would argue. If you want to hunt and you get a gun and the proper hunting permits and you can do so safely then, sure go for it. I hear there's a need to control the wildlife populations? (natural selection, circle of life can't do that I guess??) I think unless you need meat to feed you family it's a silly 'sport' but, whatever do what you want. When it comes to having a gun to protect your family and home then sure, but you better damn well know how to use it and keep it safely locked away from your children. But for heaven's sake all these mass shootings are not done in light of the right to bear arms!! Having a right to bear arms does not mean having the right to own weapons of mass destruction. Having a right to bear arms does not mean you get to shoot people if you feel like it. Having the right to bear arms does not mean you get to show up to a protest and hurt people whose belief are in opposition to your own.

These mass shootings are straight malicious evil and we need better gun protection laws. I think it's a cop out to say it's a mental illness thing that needs to be fixed. YES mental illness is a huge problem and probably a root to the problem but that is a whole other giant problem that can't be effectively helped from the national level. There needs to be major reform on mental illness at the state level. I am a big supporter of common sense gun control laws. I think there needs to be stricter background checks. There needs to be a wait period after purchase. There should be zero access to assault level weapons for any civilian, at any time. If people have them those weapons need to be confiscated immediately. Those are for military and police and not for anyone to buy. I can't understand why still after so many people have been killed why oh why are these laws not in place? Why does the NRA fund so much in our corrupt government? Why is this not a very obvious fix with strict laws? Whyyyyyyyyy? It is just so appalling that crazy deranged people can get a hold of them.  But if there is a big crack down on the public gun selling then hopefully there will be less guns around. Less access. Less death. I don't know how the black market works but shouldn't there be undercover work to rid the guns and weapons of mass destruction there too? I mean seriously let's get this under control. Let's follow our allies examples and get cracking on gun control. I want to feel safe going to a concert, a movie, or sending my children to public high school. I want some serious action but I feel like I can do very little myself.

Just a huge list of recent gun violence in the USA. Citizen shooting citizens:
Oct. 1, 2017. Las Vegas
July 7, 2016. Dallas
June 12, 2016. Orlando
Dec. 2, 2015. San Bernardino
Nov. 27, 2015. Colorado Springs
Oct. 1, 2015. Roseburg
July 16, 2015. Chattanooga
June 17, 2015. Charleston
Oct. 24, 2014. Marysville
May 23, 2014. Isla Vista
April 2, 2014. Killeen
Sept. 16, 2013. Washington, D.C.
June 7, 2013. Santa Monica
Dec. 14, 2012. Newtown
Oct. 21, 2012. Brookfield
Sept. 27, 2012. Minneapolis
Aug. 5, 2012. Oak Creek
July 20, 2012. Aurora
April 2, 2012. Oakland
Oct. 12, 2011. Seal Beach
Jan. 8, 2011. Tucson
Aug. 3, 2010. Manchester
Feb. 12, 2010. Huntsville
Nov. 5, 2009. Killeen
April 3, 2009. Binghamton
Feb. 14, 2008. DeKalb
Dec. 5, 2007. Omaha
April 16, 2007. Blacksburg

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